2023 Tentative Triennial values are now available
2023 Tentative Triennial values are now available
The Clermont County Auditor’s office recently completed a Triennial update of values for tax year 2023; those tentative values are now available on our website clermontauditor.org . Final vales will be reflected on your 2024 property tax bill.
Ohio law requires that each county conduct a reappraisal every six years and in every third year following a reappraisal a “Triennial Update”. A Triennial Update involves a study and analysis of sales that have taken place in the past three years in order to determine whether a change in market value has occurred since the last reappraisal. Clermont County conducted a countywide reappraisal in 2020 and was required to update their values for the 2023 tax year. This program is required by law to equalize values and reflect current market conditions. It is not designed to increase or decrease taxes, but to keep property values up to date with current prices paid for properties in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio.
If you have questions or would like to provide additional information concerning your valuation, please contact us at 513-732-7150 or email us at reappraisal@clermontcountyohio.gov . Appointments to review property valuations will be conducted by phone, virtual or in person. You can schedule a meeting online via our website or call our office to make an appointment.