Forfeited Land Sales

NEXT SALE DATE: May 20, 2025

Process for Forfeited Land Sale:

The opening bid will start at the amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, interest, and costs that have remained unpaid in order to satisfy those costs. If no one bids at the opening bid, we will open it for someone to offer a bid.

Pay deed preparation fee of $45.00 plus You will be responsible for paying the sale amount, plus $45.25 for deed preparation and certificate fee, and an additional transfer fee of $0.50 per parcel.  Recorder Fees are $34.00 for the first 2 pages and $8.00 for each additional page. Postage and envelope is $0.75.  You will need to have exact change or 2 checks to cover all fee

You will need to sign an affidavit and a transfer form. You will pay all fees that are due. You will receive your Certificate of Sale at the time of sale, which will act as your receipt for purchasing the property. Our staff will walk your documents to Tax Map, the Real Estate Department, and the Recorder’s Office. The Recorder’s Office will then mail your deed to you in about two to three weeks.

Be able to provide proof of identification
Must have payment in the form of 2 separate checks or cash (exact change) to cover fees

If you purchase a property you will need to sign an affidavit and show proof of identification. The affidavit reads:
UNDER SECTION 5723.06(A) (3)
_________________________________, whose address is _________________, being first duly sworn, says that in reference to the property purchased at the ______ Forfeited Land Sale, he/she is not the owner of record of the parcel immediately prior to the judgment of foreclosure or foreclosure and forfeiture, nor a member of the following class of parties connected to that owner: a member of that owner’s immediate family, which includes the owner’s spouse and children, a person with a Power of Attorney appointed by that owner who subsequently transfers the parcel to the owner, a sole proprietorship owned by that owner or a member of that owner’s immediate family, or a partnership, trust, business trust, corporation, or association in which the owner or member of the owner’s immediate family owns or controls directly or indirectly more than fifty percent.  Property should be deeded in the name of _______________________________ whose address is __________________________________________.


Also, I am currently not delinquent on real property taxes in the state of Ohio.


Sale Amount




Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this ___________.


Notary Public


Frequently Asked Questions
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The Auditor’s Office does not have keys to the houses for sale.  We have no access to the interior of the houses for sale.  The property is not available for tour or inspection prior to the sale.  Persons on private property without the owner’s or occupant’s consent are trespassing.  The purchaser gets the property “as is” or “buyer beware”.  The Auditor’s Office makes no warranty or guarantee on any property.

Unless ordered by the Court, the sale must be a public sale.  You or your representative must appear to bid.  All bidding is done at the sale.  No prior sealed bids are taken.  There is no prior registration.  Make sure you can meet the terms of the sale.  This is a Court function; if the sale is not completed, you are subject to being held in contempt of court.

The Auditor’s Office does not have information on liens.  It is the responsibility of the prospective purchaser to check into properties for delinquent utility bills, liens, and/or any additional costs.  You are urged to consult with an attorney if you have questions.  The Auditor’s Office cannot give legal advice.

The Auditor’s Office does not have keys for the houses.  The new owner is encouraged to get a locksmith to enter the house and change the locks after the house has been vacated.  It is unknown who may have keys to the house or how many there might be.  This is for your protection.

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